Welcome to Way of the Phoenix!

I am dedicating this space to the sharing of stories from inspirational people, alongside my own experiences, photos and other ideas to feed the phoenix within; that part of us that wants to learn, grow and feel revitalised through our lives.

I’m a firm believer that if we have the courage to step into everything we do, fully and whole heartedly, (be it an unexpected challenge, a major life event or simply a new day), that we have the opportunity to be renewed by the experience.

By remaining present at all times; by listening, always, to what has heart and meaning; by speaking our truth and, above all else, by being open to the outcome we can find ourselves regenerated – having transformed old beliefs into a new reality – just like the phoenix of myth and legend that was reborn from fire.

If you’d like to offer something to fuel the flames, please feel free to comment…

…see you by the fire!