Where in the world…?

“Just a thought”, says Owen (my husband), like he’s going to offer a suggestion about what to cook for dinner or what we might do over the weekend, “does our retreat need to be in the UK?”

Wow! I suppose not! In fact I’d been wondering, myself, whether it had to be in Sussex – our favourite – as there could be other equally viable coastal locations. But it not being in the UK hadn’t even entered my consciousness.

That was a couple of weeks ago and since then I’ve been quietly writing, and rewriting, a (figurative) list of pros and cons, whilst debating a whole host of possible destinations.

He thinks maybe a Greek island…my imagination has flown as far as New Zealand; I mean, if you’re gonna move abroad why not move as far abroad as possible?!

I guess when considering a major life change, there should be no set boundaries…geographical or otherwise!

So, who knows where we’ll end up?!